
Useful Sites and Links of Interest

Big Bend Fishing.net A unique website dedicated to fishing information from Florida’s Northern Big Bend. This includes the area from the Econfina River west to the Apalachicola River

Fishing Knots -Animated fishing knots web site from- “Grog”.

Jacksonville Kayak Fishing – The online kayak fishing community of Jacksonville, FL

Kayak Jak – “Our starting point is Benkelman, Nebraska located just 3 1/2 hours driving from the Denver Airport. We are not far from the Kansas and Colorado borders…”

Kayak Fishing Italy Italian language web site on Italy’s kayak fishers…www.Pescainkayak.com

North Wales Kayak Fishing– That’s right, UK!

Texaskayakfisherman.com – Texas based kayak fishing with regional saltwater, freshwater and classified advertisment bulletin boards.

Tidewater Kayak Anglers Assoc.-Dedicated to promoting kayak angling in coastal Virginia and North Carolina.  TKAA is a non-profit sport fishing club…
